After a champion's dinner at an Indian restaurant, the 3 of us dodged and weaved through waves of pedestrians and zebra crossings, over the moat bridge and parked it near the Gokoku temple.

I started work in a new environment in April 2005. I wanted somewhere I could write down my thoughts and observations of the experiences. Welcome to you and enjoy this personal narrative.
The Geneva Convention was an agreement among the nations of the world directing countries in the proper treatment of Prisoners of War.
Japan never signed this agreement.
おいしい Yum!
Arigato gozaimasto Yukio, Keiko and Hideaki. You really made it an excellent weekend for me.
shrink-scenery garden. There's a big pond in the centre modelled on Xihu (West Lake) in Hangzhou, China, with plenty of carp fish and a type of jumping fish.
is the slogan for blue flat cafe, where Greg and Kate, my Japanese language classmates, and I stopped for a munch after class.
Mike and I had tried to grab a coffee here ages ago but the café doesn't open too early in the morning.
Greg and Kate ordered some substantial meals as their lunch. I'd already eaten my disastrous left-overs hours ago. I ordered a cafe latte and a チズ ケキ chizu keki (cheesecake) - just a little something to tie me over during the hour break before the Japanese tea ceremony.
Sounds a bit of a girly thing, but I'm thinking it can't be all girls at this tea ceremony otherwise it'd be called the Japanese Nuns' tea ceremony. If you're the sort of person that learns by making mistakes then this is the sure way to learn a lot in a short space of time, verging on total embarrassment. I'm certainly not getting any climbing done around here, but if you need to work on dexterity, then this is the ticket. It is comforting when my Japanese colleague tells me that theceremony is difficult even for Japanese people to perfect.
See how your bladder goes after about 14 cups of tea!
... locals seem to have tired of this annual event, which grew out of the celebations following the Hiroshima Carp's first championship in 1975, and are weary of the in your face commercialism that seems to override the "festival" spirit. The event does pull in thousands of people from near and far, and it's well worth a wander around, if only to observe the mad scramble for the flowers that adorn Peace Boulevard on the final day.