Thursday, April 21, 2005

the numbers game

Back home in sunny Melbourne, my job security was left to reputation and word-of-mouth. Relying on existing clients to recommend you to further clients is risky if you intend to grow your business. I had enough work to keep me going. As often is the case though, the demand is either in flood or drought. Regardless of demand, it remains important to maintain a high standard of product to ensure your reputation continues.

My best mate and I have been contracting our services to our clients for long enough. When the time came for a holiday late last year and the opportunity for a large group of friends to visit India, we both signed up for that! The clients naturally needed to know, who will be running the projects in our absence? My usual first option is to recommend my best friend and... that really wasn't going to work this time. Who do you recommend when you don't know anyone else that could possibly do your job?

Now here in the sweaty metropolis of Hiroshima, in my new job, I am experiencing some complete contrasts:
  • I don't work by myself at all. There are several other teachers and support staff in the branch office.
  • I have been under observation throughout training and I have additional observations coming up soon.
  • The pay goes into the account every month - that's a welcome first that I'm really looking forward to.
  • We cannot prepare for any classes at home!
More than anything else, if I can't do the job, somewhere another teacher is sitting in waiting. Throughout Japan, we are a-dime-a-dozen. Just as in my old job, it will be important to maintain a high standard. However that feeling of being irreplaceable cannot exist for me now.

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