For those who are yet to experience a Teppanyaki style restaurant, be prepared:
- chop sticks skills are useful but not essential
- frisbee skill is highly desirable
- bib wearing is crucial, not childish, crucial.
Ginza Teppanyaki is
the place to be for watching the chef do a few more tricks than just your regular barbecue practise. It can be hilarious to watch your mates fumble as food is launched at them, but your turn will come...

This is the place we met at to commence the buck's night of young Luke Meikle. It is not unheard of for
a few eyebrows to be singed off by the roaring flames at these restaurants. Your vision and co-ordination are enhanced somewhat after several Asahi beers, then tested by the chef tossing the bowls one after another to anyone game enough.
I'm learning that there are more ways to
advertise beer. I might have to try this Sapporo beer sometime...
1 comment:
mmmmm... beer...
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